Articles Related to AAPL

Apple: Good For A Short Term Trade - But Long Term Top Likely Looms

By Levi at Elliott Wave Trader; Produced with Avi GilburtDo you have a trading/investing system? This system, does it facilitate the ability to dynamically adapt to what the market throws at you? Will it provide context in the near term and even tell you where you likely find yourself in the big picture? That’s what we’re going to discuss using (AAPL) as our study subject. The answer for AAPL is that we are able to see a short-term setup for a long trade. To do this we don’t even need the Apple Vision Pro. As a quick aside, yes, this new tech in interesting to be sure.
by Levi - 5 months ago

Market Analysis for Mar 22nd, 2022

Compare and contrast March 16 vs present time.This should help you with your process. Many names did textbook follow through and entering resistance/targets 👇3/16 Daily charts context: Weekly charts context: https://www.elliottwavetrader.
by Ricky Wen - 2 years ago

Market Analysis for Jun 15th, 2021

AAPLwaking up from its multi-month slumber...keep tabs on next rotation to outperform/breakout. Similar to the other 6 bullish setups on weekly+monthly timeframes and NVDA before the breakout acceleration. Do some homework if you haven't already.AAPL price getting coiled/firmed up, ready for range expansion eventually. Current thoughts: targets150-160 next, multi-week timeframe. It ain't immediate ready if falls below 120-115 zone.
by Ricky Wen - 3 years ago

Market Analysis for May 4th, 2021

Here's a quick daily chart dump, sharing for free (no updates will be posted)NQ + AAPL+AMZN + FB +GOOGL +MSFT +TSLA daily charts....quick scan.5/6 mega cap stocks below daily 20EMA, only FB above and remain the strongest of the bunch.NQ broke below 13700 and opened up flood gates quickly, now 13400s...
by Ricky Wen - 3 years ago

Anticipating AMZN's Bounce Off Fibonacci Support

Our recent setup in AMZN was a Fibonacci price cluster of support that was tested and held on 4/22. The zone included a symmetry projection, a .618 retracement and a 1.272 extension.Prior to earnings we already just about met target 2 at the 3519 area. No need to hold through the crapshoot of earnings. At this point we've seen a rally of 252.55 from the 4/22 low. Now we are closer to levels where we can anticipate a possible pullback.
by Carolyn Boroden - 3 years ago

Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Mar 12th, 2020

We continue to warn heavily about AAPL nearing a MAJOR top as Super Cycle (III). And it has enough subwaves at all of the larger degrees to count the P.5 of Cycle V of (III) complete. However the purple (C) of P.5 can easily count as holding a 4 here and be one of the few charts we see with decent potential to ATTEMPT a higher high.
by Zac Mannes - 4 years ago

Content Wars: Episode V - Disney Strikes Back (Video)

Battle of the streaming services!
by Zac Mannes - 5 years ago

Nasdaq De-FAANGed? (Video)

A look at the NDX and FAANG names.
by Zac Mannes - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Sep 24th, 2018

AAPL filling out wave c of (b) as suggested last week. Would need to clear 226.50 to start favoring the red wave (v) heading toward 245.
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Sep 21st, 2018

AAPLonly produced a micro 3 waves up into yesterday's high, so unless red wave (v) is starting off with a leading diagonal, probabilities are currently in favor of the blue path and this bounce being a (b)-wave. Can still see another near-term leg higher in wave c of (b).
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Sep 20th, 2018

Looks like yesterday's low may have been "close enough" to complete wave (iv) in red or wave (a) of the larger iv in blue. Now price needs to clear 224 - 226.50 next if it intends to head toward ~245 as red wave (v), otherwise reversing from there opens the door to wave (c) of iv down in blue.
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Sep 19th, 2018

AAPL getting that lower low expected into ~214 support.
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Sep 10th, 2018

AAPL is approaching the minimum expected target support for this pullback, between 214.20 - 206.55. Assuming price tests and turns up from that support, it should complete either wave (a) of iv under the blue count or all of red wave (iv).
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Aug 30th, 2018

AAPL is extending beyond initial expectations, but either way you slice it, the price pattern still supports a local top approaching within the next ~10 points.
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Aug 16th, 2018

AAPL entering into the overall target region for wave (c) of iii, but the price structure seems to argue best for this still being wave iii of (c), and allowing for another iv and v before it completes.
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

long Oct calls - Market Analysis for Aug 8th, 2018

Long the 205 print per yesterday's post (oct)
5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Aug 7th, 2018

AAPL reached the 209.70 fib target for wave iii of (c), and now may see a pullback toward 201.60 as wave iv of (c) before turning back up toward the blue target box in wave v of (c).
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

AAPL Nano - Market Analysis for Aug 3rd, 2018

Not following through in the impulsive micro 5th, can be starting yellow (C) down of wider expanded flat micro 4th.
by Zac Mannes - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Aug 3rd, 2018

Ideal micro path to fill out the rest of wave (c) of iii in AAPL
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Aug 2nd, 2018

AAPL has been a star coverage list name of Stock Wavessince the start of the year, up almost 40% since bottoming in our target back in February and up 15% since calling the (b)-wave low in June. Looking for the next local high between 212 - 222 as wave iii of 5.
by Garrett Patten - 5 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Jun 26th, 2018

Nice reversal in AAPL today and can easily countthe wave (b) of iii as complete with price now starting wave (c) of iii and heading toward 205 - 212 next. However, need a break above 188.50 next to confirm.
by Garrett Patten - 6 years ago

$AAPL - Elliott Wave Chart Analysis on Jun 19th, 2018

AAPL looks like an expanded flat for wave (b) of iii
by Garrett Patten - 6 years ago

Big Boyz Coming In.

I've been asked this a lot over the last few months. How does the big boys (banks, hedge funds, EFTs, and the like) coming into this market affect the counts? My answer has been 'they won't change but they'll slow in time.'As liquidity enters the market bull runs take longer, and the 3month to 6monthbear markets and the 18mo+ for the higher degree Mt. Gox bear will give way year long to 5 year bear markets eventually. Yes we'll make money in cryptos but slower over time. See the chart of BTC below, and you'll see that 'meancurve' is slowing. Compare it to the long term charts of Apple and Facebook.
by Ryan Wilday - 6 years ago
