About StockWaves

Stock Waves is a premium service within ElliottWaveTrader featuring analysis on individual U.S. stocks. Founding analysts Zachary Mannes and Garrett Patten provide real-time wave analysis on dozens of their own selected as well as member-requested stocks each session. Lyn Alden Schwartzer, one of the top-read columnists on Seeking Alpha, highlights stocks with not only strong wave set-ups but with high rankings in her rigorous fundamental analysis. Analysts Jason Appel, Levi and Ganesh Raman assist with symbol requests and writing articles, and Leon Podolsky, the newest member of the Stock Waves team, is developing algorithms for a hotlist of the best setups.

Meet our All-Star Stock Analyst Team!

Zac Mannes
Zac Mannes
Garrett Patten
Garrett Patten
Lyn Alden Schwartzer
Lyn Alden Schwartzer
Zac and Garrett are working their tails off for us and if we're paying attention we're all making money. I have been at this game many years and have never found a service that offered more valuable, timely and actionable analysis.
SteveB - Trading Room
Thus far, the best stock-picking service I've seen--and I've been doing this for 35+ years!
Gunfighter - Email
Big thumbs up 👍🏻👍🏻to you Zac —you’re an awesome resource and spot on with your calls.
TerryJ - Trading Room
Can't thank Zac/G enough on this UEC chart and commentary on the sector. You guys have been KILLING it. Its taken a while to unlearn, but the return is way worth the effort. THANKS!!!
DarrenS - Trading Room

As featured on CNBC, MarketWatch, TheStreet, Forbes, Kiplinger Report, Money Show and more!

Plus contributions by our dynamic community of professional traders!

Members Receive:

  • Wave Set-Ups with targets and directional opinion.
  • Symbol Request tool enabling members to get chart work-ups on demand.
  • Nightly Videos on key charts and set-ups to watch.
  • Weekly Webinar reviewing both requested and analyst-selected stocks.
  • Special Sector Updates covering baskets of trending sector stocks.
  • Earnings Calls analyzing potential movers during earnings season.

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