Gold Standard? - Market Analysis for Jul 16th, 2019

And now for some brief shooting from the hip FA...

Central Bank currencies are not going to be permanently replaced but the Fiat ability to inflate will be drastically curbed and Crypto will surge in value as CBs are forced to tie their reserves to actual stores of value like say hmmm I dunno... gold. cheeky

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QGC# - Big Macro Clean - Jul-16 1527 PM (1 week)
QGC# - Big Macro Clean - Jul-16 1527 PM (1 week)
BTCUSD - Primary Analysis - Jul-16 1529 PM (1 day)
BTCUSD - Primary Analysis - Jul-16 1529 PM (1 day)
Zac Mannes is a senior analyst at and co-host of the site's Stock Waves service, which provides wave alerts and trade set-ups on individual stocks.
