A Week Of Winning Stock Waves Calls
This week in Stock Waves, a number of Wave Setups reached or exceeded their resistance levels, including AMD, AON, BE, BOOT, FUTU, GOOGL, HRI, MSFT, ONTO and WCC.
BOOT, for example, posted as a Wave Setup on Dec 15 at 59.39, reached above 88 on Friday in wave iii of 1, up 34% since the alert.
BE, posted as a Wave Setup on Jan 3 at 19.02, surpassed 24.75 initial resistance on Monday of this week, reaching as high as 26.30 on Thursday, up 38% in just over 3 weeks.
"Been waiting long time to get in this stock... SW is my new service here and Love it!Helped me get in near Jan lows on BE." --Windward-Tack
Added TylerM: "Man, ya can't spell Beast without BE. That thing's been smokin'. Thanks StockWaves!"
In addition, Stock Waves has been bullish on TSLA for the possible start of a much larger move, with Garrett posting an UP call ahead of its earnings release for a continuation higher in wave iii of a leading diagonal off the low.
"Fantastic guidance from the whole SW team!" wrote member Wellenreiter.
In the equity indices, Zac Mannes wrote on Jan 25 that the ES was "ideally holding this 3960 region now as (i)-(ii) of circle iii" and "still looking for more of this C-wave UP."
This prompted Twitter responses of "what a call" and "Having EWT sometimes almost feels like having a cheat sheet when it comes to discerning market behavior."
Added Megatronus in the EWT room: "Your counts are nothing short of a flawless victory."