A Humble Thank You

To say that I feel blessed truly does not express my deepest feelings of gratitude at this time.   As we now celebrate our 12th anniversary at Elliottwavetrader, there has been so much we have accomplished.  And, yet there is still so much more to which we aspire.

I am truly fortunate to be able to virtually come to work every day and stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the best analysts I have met in the world.  There are twenty-two analysts across our three platforms that I am now privileged to call a colleague, as well as a friend. And, the work I see them produce day in and day out, along with the commitment to excellence and their dedication to our members truly astounds me each and every day.   So, I want to take this moment to thank each and every one of them for putting their heart and soul into everything they do for all our members.

As I have said in the past, they say that smart people surround themselves by people that are smarter than them. And, I am being as honest with you as I can when I say that, even though I have attained higher education degrees myself, I am dwarfed by the intelligence possessed by our astounding analyst team.  Among our all-star analyst team we have several college professors that have built their own analysis systems, a PhD in physics, an MBA in Finance from Wharton, and a the second-place finisher in the 2015 World Cup Championship of Futures Trading. 

But, what is so special about all of our analysts is that each and every one of them is singularly and primarily concerned with the success of each and every one of you, our members. And, we often hear from you telling us that our analyst’s caring nature pervades all the posts, messages and analysis being provided within the virtual walls of our services. 

Zac, Garrett, Arkady, Mike, Princely, Luke, Ricky, Ryan, Cari, Larry, Leo, Victor, Lyn, Carolyn, Jason, Levi, Leon, Ganesh, Rida, Tammy, Will and Kiril.  You truly are the best analysts I have seen throughout the world, and you have my deepest respect, admiration, and gratitude for all you do for the members of our services. You all represent the best of what an analyst should be, and continue to amaze and humble me by the excellence and care you provide to our members. It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to work with each and every one of you, and I am truly humbled by your talent.

Next, I would like to thank those that you do not readily see behind the scenes.  Yet, without them, Elliottwavetrader would not be the well-run machine that it is.    

In the twelve years that we have been open, I can count on my hand how many times we have been “down.” And when it has happened, it has been exceptionally brief.  In being involved with many other websites through the years, I hope you can all appreciate what an astounding feat this to be.  And, for this, we must all thank Jeff, who runs our IT department and does everything and anything to keep us running like a well-oiled machine.  The man is an absolute genius and never rests on his laurels.  He is continually finding ways to make the experience within the walls of our virtual trading room better and better for each and every one of our members.  We are all so lucky and blessed to have him, and I think we all owe him a tremendous debt of gratitude.

For those of you that have ever had the opportunity to interact with the customer service aspect to our business, you have likely encountered Tom.   I have been involved with various businesses throughout my 53 years of life, and I have yet to encounter anyone who can even hold a candle to Tom when it comes to customer service.  The dedication and patience he displays to each and every member with whom he interacts is beyond exceptional.  In a day when most business are lagging in customer service, Tom continues to take us to new heights.  And, each and every member that has interacted with Tom can and has testified to this fact.    Thank you, Tom.

They say that a business partnership is like a marriage.   And, to that end, I can honestly claim to have had the best business marriage I could have ever experienced in my life.   For those of you that do not know, Rich is my partner in Elliottwavetrader.  We began this together 12 years ago with the goal to teach investors to become better and more profitable at what they do.  I stand here today, 12 years later, recognizing that I could not have found a better partner if I searched the world over several times.  And, as I have also said in the past, we both have the same goals when it comes to our members, as our focus has always been to continually provide more and more value to our members. Rich, it has been such a pleasure and an honor to work with you over the last twelve years, and I cannot ever remember a time when we have disagreed about a path to take since we both share the same goals in putting our members first.

Lastly, but certainly not least, I would like to thank each and every one of you, our members. We started our service 12 years ago with 40 members, most of whom are still with us today.  And, today, we are now 8000 members strong.  Without you, there would be no Elliottwavetrader.   You place your trust in us each and every day, and for that, I am beyond appreciative.  You have trusted us with your hard-earned money, and I hope you know how tirelessly we work to continue providing you more and more value.  

Never did I imagine that our reach would be this broad and diverse. In fact, we have members from all over the world with diverse backgrounds. Our members range from those in the professional fields such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, and engineers – with many CEO’s and CFO’s of major public companies amongst them – to a large working class group of members who posses some of the best trading skills I have ever seen. And, as I noted before, we have almost 1000 money managers within our member base, many of whom add tremendous value in our virtual trading room with their decades of experience. Not only are our analysts amongst the best in the world, but so is the quality of our membership. In fact, each day I come to work, I am continually astounded by the quality of the analysis and guidance of just our members alone.

So, again, I want to thank each and every one of you, and I wish I were able to do so personally.  While I have had the opportunity and honor to meet many of you at our various member gatherings around the world, I still wish I was able to shake each and every one of your hands and thank you for placing your trust in us for these last 12 years.  And, if you are kind enough to entrust us with your loyalty for the next twelve years, then I promise that we will continually strive to improve the quality of the analysis we provide and continually earn your trust day in and day out. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Humbly and sincerely,

Avi Gilburt, Esq.

Co-Founder – Elliottwavetrader.net, The Market Pinball Wizard, & Saferbankingresearch.com

Overheard In Our "A Humble Thank You" Thread

"I am grateful to you for starting EWT.  It has changed my life.  I'm all in."  --rockin88s

"Avi, congratulations to you and the team for 12 years!  I am so thankful for the community you've created on this site and its willingness to help all members succeed.  The return on the service is unparallel and continues to be the best money I have ever spent. Talk about return on investment!  PLEASE DO 12 MORE!"  --Magicl63

"9 years in November for me and your site has made me a better invester and trader,locking in my retirement and preparing me for the next 10 years."  --Fredthenav 

"Congratulations to you Avi and the whole rest of your team.  After 40 years of trading I can say personally you have the very best trading method and trading site there is."  --AJ

"I joined EWT 10 months ago when I decided to do swing trading as a full-time job, and I couldn't have made the money that I've made so far without all of you."  --Fisheez

"Congratulations, you and your great team have truly opened my eyes and my mind,the analysts here are really the best !"  --mihaixxy

"I am so glad I started following you Avi on Seeking Alpha and decided to join the service. The work of you, Ryan, Zac and Garrett has greatly improved my mindset and decision making and I continue to learn and grow and improve how I look at and engage in the markets with a more detached perspective, so that I am learning better and better how to "analyze sentiment rather than participating in it" :)"  --CNG3000

"Congratulations AVI and the team! You've introduced a new perspective into my trading, and into my life actually."  --Crow

"Wish I found you 12 years ago - only been a few more that 12 months but definitely the place to be.  Thanks and Congratulations!  Great total picture approach with outstanding analysts!  Looking forward to the future with EWT."  --Skyracer 

"Where many others fail, you excel tremendously; customer care is the best example. Where other businesses just want to get our money, you actually want to make us better investors through education. The whole team’s dedication is unheard of and I’m proud and humbled to be part of your community." --Erich

"This platform and community has been life-changing for me. It has given me the courage and confidence to do some things that I had only wished for in the past. I'm very grateful to be part of it."  --LazyLemon

Avi Gilburt is founder of ElliottWaveTrader.net.
