Market Analysis for May 6th, 2020

Have I mentioned that Ryan runs an awesome Crypto room?

We will occasionally glance at GBTC in StockWaves, but if you are legit interested in going down the Crypto rabbit hole you gotta check him out!

The counts for the actual coins differ from these "not ETFs" that try to track them. I get that some folks want exposure to Crypto in via accts that don't allow it... but GBTC is like the poser version of Crypto. 

GBTC - Primary Analysis - May-06 1313 PM (4 hour)
GBTC - Primary Analysis - May-06 1313 PM (4 hour)
Zac Mannes is a senior analyst at and co-host of the site's Stock Waves service, which provides wave alerts and trade set-ups on individual stocks.
