Looking For One More Decline

In very simple terms, my primary count has the market within a wave 4 pullback.   Since 4th waves take shape as [a][b][c] corrective structures, and the [a] wave in this count completed earlier this week just below the .236 retracement of wave 3, at which time I suggested we prepare for a rally to begin.  We are now rallying in the [b] wave.  Therefore, my expectation is that we should soon turn down in a 5-wave structure to signal that a [c] wave decline has begun.

During this rally off the 2022 low, I have often warned about turning bearish or trading the bearish side of the market too soon.  Over the years, I have learned that it is safer to trade with the primary trend, and to only take a counter-trend trade if the market should provide to us a low-risk, tight set up for a decline.  That would mean that the safest way to trade the downside is to allow the [b] wave to complete, and a 5-wave structure is seen in the opposite direction, as a [c] wave is most commonly a 5-wave structure.  That initial 5-wave structure would be wave 1 of the 5-wave [c] wave. Therefore, if you want to trade counter-trend, then the safest trade is to trade after a 2nd wave pullback, and then place your stops at the bottom of wave 1.  This would provide a low-risk, tight set up for a [c] wave structure.

So, if you are so inclined to trade the [c] wave down for wave 4, the safest way to take that trade is to allow an initial 5 wave decline take shape and complete wave 1 of the [c] wave, and then short the wave 2 corrective bounce thereafter, while placing your stop at the high we strike in the [b] wave, which is the starting point of the wave 1 down. This is a good example as to how to trade counter-trend, again, if you are so inclined.

Therefore, until the market actually provides us an initial signal that a [c] wave down is in progress with that initial 5-wave decline structure, it is wise to respect the bull market which has provided us with VERY strong extensions during this rally off the October 2023 low.

Avi Gilburt is founder of ElliottWaveTrader.net.
