Postitioning --> the market really can NOT go down again EVER!

not going to lie...

QQQ's had a 4% intra day reversal lower off highs today

TSLA a 18% intra day reversal, read that again...

AMZN a 7% intra day reversal...thats a big move (normally lol)

and on and on...

so when i did my homework tonight i expected some fear in the market...some hedging...some put buying...

NOPE...BTFD, lol, i mean i cant even make it up if i tried....a 0.41 reading...practically as low as last weeks lows...again after a day like today?

no words...frankly...i mean if there was a WHACK setup...well its here....literally new traders are Teflon, markets can not go down in the minds of many here...

so with that Im certainly glad im short form 3220+ posted CASH today...because we are due for a collossal down day and few days and week plus....and i got Strong handed puts drivers seat....

perfect blast setup, perfect...

1 day complacency
1 day complacency
1 day fear
1 day fear
5 day
5 day
10 day
10 day
25 day
25 day
